Professors & Labs

Faculty Members Introduction

Makoto Jinno Full Professor
Head of the Graduate School of Engineering
Laboratory Laboratory of robotics and mechatronics
Main research interests Laparoscopic surgery support robots / devices; cell processing robots
Research overview There are many potential needs and manifested issues that can be addressed by applying robot mechatronics and mechanism technology. We propose a new system and mechanism for addressing these needs and issues, and research on robot mechatronics is being conducted aimed at practical use, from concept design to prototype, evaluation, and verification. Our field of research includes (1) diagnosis, treatment, and surgery support in medical fields; (2) nursing care, welfare, and living and nursing support at home; (3) work support in special environments, such as the universe, nuclear power, and disaster site; and (4) automation and efficiency of work in production factories and medical-related sites.
Instructing Courses Fundamentals of Robot Engineering, Project-Based Practical Design and ManufacturingB/C, Introduction to Research and Development, Machine Design Drafting and Digital Technical Product Documentation D, Seminars A/B, Graduation Thesis
  • Development of robotic forceps for supporting laparoscopic surgery
    Development of robotic forceps for supporting laparoscopic surgery
  • Research on cell processing robots
    Research on cell processing robots