
Course model

I want to make this a year to think about my specialisation as a mechanical engineer!

I hope to find my direction through the four basic mechanics courses in mechanical engineering (mechanics of materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of machines), acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and use this year to narrow down my subjects to what I want to specialise in and conduct research in the third year, as well as my career after graduation. I will set aside time for lesson preparation and review.

Sophomore, Student D

Spring semester

Period Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Machine Design Drafting and Digital Technical Product Documentation C Project-Based Practical Design and Manufacturing Industrial Thermodynamics A
2 Machine Design Drafting and Digital Technical Product Documentation C Project-Based Practical Design and Manufacturing A Fluid Dynamics A
3 Lecture of Health and Physical Education A Japanese History A Introduction to C Programming Ethics A English3
5 Strength of Materials A Mechanical Dynamics B English for TOEIC® 3
6 Sports and Physical Education A

Fall semester

Period Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Machine Design Drafting and Digital Technical Product Documentation D Project-Based Practical Design and Manufacturing B Industrial Thermodynamics B
2 Machine Design Drafting and Digital Technical Product Documentation D Project-Based Practical Design and Manufacturing B Fluid Dynamics B Career Design B
3 Japanese History B Applied C Programming Ethics B English 4
5 Strength of Materials B Fundamentals of Electronics Mechanical Dynamics B English for TOEIC® 4
6 Sports and Physical Education A